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Tooth-Colored Fillings – Randolph, MA

Seamlessly Erase Cavities Without the Silver

Despite your best effort and ours, it’s likely that your child will develop a cavity at some point. In fact, studies report that about 43% of children between the ages of 2 and 19 have delt with tooth decay at some point in their lives. In the past, the only way to treat cavities was with metal fillings, which weren’t only unsightly, but they could damage the teeth they filled over time! At Simply Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we can seamlessly erase cavities without the silver thanks to tooth-colored fillings for kids in Randolph! If your child has a cavity, don’t wait to give us a call so we can keep their smile happy, healthy and cavity-free.

When Are Fillings Used?

Young boy with cavity in Randolph kid’s toothache in Randolph

Simply put, any tooth that has a cavity needs a filling. Cavities form when plaque in the mouth feeds off sugary foods and produces an acid. This substance burns through the enamel and exposes the sensitive inner layers of the tooth, including the pulp and the nerve. Since enamel can’t naturally repair itself, it’s essential that a filling is placed to protect the tooth from serious damage and infection. If your child has a cavity, we’ll numb the area, clean out the decayed tissue, and fill in the area with a biocompatible composite resin that looks just like healthy enamel. Once it’s been hardened in place, the filling will bond with the natural tooth structure to seal out bacteria and protect the tooth.

Do Baby Teeth Need Fillings?

Young girl covers her mouth before getting a tooth-colored filling for kids in Randolph

Many parents are somewhat surprised to learn that it’s just as essential to treat cavities in baby teeth as it is in permanent ones. Remember, the enamel can’t heal itself, so leaving a cavity untreated keeps the inner parts of the tooth exposed and vulnerable to infection. Over time, this infection can spread to other teeth and even throughout the body! Baby teeth don’t begin to fall out until around the age of 6 and some will stay in place until a child is 10-12 years old, so it’s a bad idea to just wait for the decayed tooth to come out on its own. If your child has a cavity, bring them in right away for a quick and easy tooth-colored filling that can prevent problems in the future.

What Are the Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Smiling boys with tooth-colored fillings for kids in Randolph

Today, most practices and dentists recommend tooth-colored fillings over old-fashioned metal amalgam ones for a wide variety of reasons, like:

  • Safer for teeth: Composite resin is made of biocompatible materials that won’t irritate your child’s mouth. They also bond very well with enamel to seal out bacteria, which help shield out sensitivity and bacteria.
  • Practically invisible: Tooth-colored fillings, as their name suggests, can be shaded to match the color of your child’s teeth for results that blend right into their smile.
  • Minimally invasive: Tooth-colored fillings require less enamel be removed than amalgam fillings, and they won’t damage the tooth over time when exposed to hot or cold temperatures.
  • Reliably durable: With the right care, tooth-colored fillings can easily last 10-15 years or more.
  • No metal or mercury: Composite resin is 100% metal- and mercury-free, making them a safer, healthier choice, especially for those with metal allergies or sensitivities.